петак, 14. фебруар 2014.

Februar & Kapitalizam

Salve srca i crvenih nijansi u svakom budžaku grada. Onaj mali odapinje strele u svim pravcima i samo čekam da ga pronađem i u tek otvorenom, tetrapaku jogurta. Izlozi ponovo ispunjeni znakom procentam, ali sitnim slovima dole piše ,,samo za zaljubljene''. To je onaj dan u mesecu februaru kada možeš i džabe kolač da proždrneš, ako povedeš svoju drugu, neću reći bolju, polovinu. Ne, nikada neću prihvatiti tu glupost od praznika, koji je stvoren da se izmame pare za kupovinu medveda i koještarija koje su crvene boje. Ne, niste romantični ako idete na ,,dejt'' na taj izmišljeni dan. Ne, niste interesantni sa statusima u kojima čestitate taj praznik. Ne, nema ničega lepog u tome. Monopolisti trljaju ruke svake godine sve više i svaki put pridaju sve veći značaj. Prezasićnost je dovela i do mrzitelja ovog dana, čak i ako je zaljubljen. Generalizovaću i rećiću da svi ti poklon manijaci, ne kupuju ništa drugoj osobi tokom cele godine, ali naravno to nije tako. Bilo kako bilo, struje su podeljene, na one u kojima kulja bes, i na one euforične. Nešto kao Nova godina u sred februara. To je onaj dan kada sve vrišti od ljubavi. Namerno.


February & Capitalism

Too much hearts and red coloured tones in every corner of the town. That little guy is shooting arrows  in every directions. I wait to find him in this yogurt I've just opened. Windows of shops are again filled up with that percent sign, but somewhere in the corner with it is written with small letters that discount only works for couples. That is the day in February when you can even grab a free cake if you bring your other, I won't say better, half with you. No, I'd never accept that stupid holiday, which is made up to take the money from you for fluffy bears and other reddish nonsense. No, you're not romantic if you have a date on that day. No, you're not interesting with all statuses where you greet this holiday. There is no beauty in it. All that glut made a serious number of  Valentine's haters. I'd allowed myself to generalize and say that those gift maniacs buy something for those who love only on that day. But of course it is not like that. Anyway, this day divided people on two side, those who are furious, and those who are euphoric about it. Something like New Year in the middle of the February. That is the day when everything screams from love. On purpose.


image source: facebook.com

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